méristHemE offers six solutions for companies. Each of them has been designed to provide you with the most flexibility and quality possible in achieving independent well-being and implementing an optimized quality of life at work.

Sustainable recruitment
A recruitment is the meeting of 2 projects: the vision of the company and the life plan of a person. Sustainable recruitment respects these 2 projects and promotes their simultaneous development by acting on 3 pillars: social, economic and environmental.
From a business perspective, sustainable recruitment will benefit:
  • its productivity
  • its image
  • its communication
  • its attractiveness it represents for talent to recruit
  • its development
  • its growth
From the perspective of the person recruited, sustainable recruitment will benefit:
  • her motivation
  • her self-confidence
  • her esteem
  • her well-being
  • her personal development
  • her level of performance

Team communication
Each person communicates in her own way. Some persons will dwell on tangible data, while others will prefer to establish social links with their interlocutor. Sometimes, numbers will be preferred to words and in some cases, it will be necessary to adapt ones tone and speed of speech.

The Team Communication offer will help you understand the dynamics of an effective exchange. By focusing on soft skills, it will highlight the characters and interactions traits to favor depending on the interlocutors with whom you are brought to collaborate.

With access to the TTI tools, you will obtain tangible data on why and how each member of your team communicates, through the providing of analytical keys to adapt your style for better communication.

This proposal’s strength is to intervene on several scales:
  • The individual understands his motivations and is led towards reflecting and understanding his role and maintaining his motivation;
  • The team gains productivity and improves the quality of its exchanges;
  • The company increases its ability to evolve and reduces the risks associated with misunderstanding: turnover, conflicts, frustration…

Becoming actor in one’s professional development
The objective of this offer is to assist you in your career development decision.

Thanks to a theoretical and practical approach, méristHemE monitoring combines coaching methods, the advice of specialists and several formation resources on our platform.

The techniques put in place and developed during our process allow us to meet any need for:
  • Professional conversion
  • Career development research
  • Looking for a job
  • Looking for another job
  • Seeking formation
  • Review of the career path

Becoming an agile leader
The leader is a headlight for his employees. By knowing how to guide and motivate them, he must ensure that he provides his teams with the information and skills needed to achieve results, while maintaining the company’s values and stakes.

The ‘Becoming an agile leader’ assistance provides you with a learning journey aimed at:
  • Getting to know yourself better through our personal assessment tools
  • Mastering the 6 leadership styles
  • Knowing how to identify the stages of your company’s development and adapting your style accordingly
  • Maintaining team cohesion through appropriate communication to help you achieve results

Assistance for companies
A company is a social framework in which many individuals who may be subject to different constraints operate. Interactional, societal, economic, environmental or even lucrative, these constraints can be numerous and must be considered and addressed.

Indeed, a forgotten problem may have direct repercussions on the well-being of the company and its employees, which can quickly lead to a snowball effect from which it is difficult to get out. méristHemE therefore offers to intervene at different levels in the implementation of sustainable well-being: personal, linked to the company or to a defined team, each need has to be understood and worked to achieve a lasting situation.

With strong business expertise, méristHemE recommends the implementation of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approaches in which well-being is approached in many facets and benefits multiple actors. Thus, we offer you a clear framework as well as a process and sessions with explicit content guaranteeing you total transparency during our interventions, online or on site.

Collective intelligence
The collective intelligence solution aims to develop, enhance and coordinate the efforts, knowledge and actions of the members of a group in order to mobilize each person's skills more effectively towards a common objective.

These group reflection and coordination approaches make it possible to achieve more complex objectives.

A coach or a facilitator begins by setting up a working framework based on information sharing, compliance with the group's rules of engagement and risk-taking.

Then, he coordinates exchanges and actions to progress towards the objective by following this process:
  • 1. Awareness
  • 2. Definition of the common objective
  • 3. Actions and learning
  • 4. Feedbacks et improvements

Each participant contributes to the progress of the project and contributes to the motivation, enhancement and creativity of the group.
Depending on the need, méristHemE offers two alternatives: the co-dev' or the co-innov'.